Think Green: Tips for an Environmentally Friendly Practice
Practice Managers Australia • Nov 10, 2021

There are numerous strategies to improve your business practices to help the environment and some of these changes might help your practice save money. Here are some ideas for making you and organisation greener every day.

Go Paperless

One of the most effective methods to help your practice migrate to greener pastures is to go paperless. Receipts, invoices and other documents can be received by email, eliminating the need for printing. If you can’t go paperless right away, just be mindful of what you are printing and make sure to recycle printed materials later.

Use Green Apps

Most of us spend a lot of time on our smartphones so having apps that remind you to recycle, reuse, and establish more green habits can be handy. Some apps keep track of your carbon footprint and allow you to turn off lights and appliances remotely which might save you money whilst also helping the environment!

Reconsider Your Commute

When COVID-19 became more prevalent, air pollution levels were minimised as the majority of the world's workforce transitioned from the office to home. Although most Healthcare staff must work on-site, now is the perfect time to create healthier, more eco-friendly commuting habits. Why not carpool, use public transport or ride your bike?

Invest In Environmentally-Friendly Equipment

Choose environmentally-friendly equipment if you have the option such as LED light bulbs and eco-friendly heating solutions, and laptops and screens with an A+ energy rating. You may also program thermostats to turn off when they aren’t in use and lights to turn off when they aren’t needed.

Enhance your energy efficiency as an employee by doing an audit once a year to adjust your consumption and don’t forget to switch off the lights when you’re finished for the day!

Purchase paper that has been certified as being from responsibly managed forests or that has been recycled. In a nutshell, go for greener materials and devices.

Eco-Friendly Transportation Systems 

Healthcare facilities' transportation emissions are high, due to ambulance fleets, hospital transport vehicles, and staff and patient travel. Fortunately, many healthcare organisations are looking into greener solutions such as investing in alternative fuels for hospital vehicles, implementing eco-driving training for ambulance drivers, and providing incentives for staff to use alternative transportation such as discounted public transport passes, interest-free bicycle loans, or ride-sharing programs.

Recycle Waste

When we are at work, we frequently forget about all of the good recycling habits that we have at home. Taking action against this tendency is a basic step toward becoming a more sustainable employee. As an employer, make sure your recycling bins are well-placed and well-marked, and that your personnel are familiar with your municipality’s recycling regulations.

Green purchasing policies can be implemented by healthcare facilities to purchase products made of eco-friendly materials with minimal packaging, as well as those that can be sterilised and reused.


Autoclaving, thermal disinfection, and microwave sanitation are examples of ways to improve infectious waste processing.

Use Your Influence

As an environmentally conscious company, you might promote horticulture and sustainability among your employees and community by participating in tree-planting activities or community gardening programs. Why not start your initiative if there aren’t any in your area? Use your influence as a business to promote green thinking and values among your customers. Share your expertise and inspire others to participate.

These suggested initiatives can help any healthcare facility, from large medical centres to small health clinics, cultivate a purpose-driven mindset in the workplace and achieve green goals.

Practice Managers Australia would like to show leadership on an individual and company level in support of the global pursuit for a greener, more resilient future for us all. Be part of the solution and make a change. To discuss any of these topics further, please contact us on  03 9946 7333      or

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